Image of the trait Training in Dungeon Village 2 Training Trait

You can obtain the Training trait in Dungeon Village 2 in your city by building Combat School or Shooting Range, Broom and hosting event Marathon or Track Meet. Worth 25 points each, Training Camp and Sea Training are the most points for acquiring the Training trait.

The Training trait is a requirement for five titles, including Boot Camp, Secret To Long Life and Mystic Studies.

The precise amount of points for each factor in the Training trait is detailed below.

Training Trait Requirements Titles With Training Trait

Getting the Training Trait


There are two structures that contribute to the Training trait, Combat School and Shooting Range.

Combat School

Training: 5 points
Other Traits:
Battle: 3 Health: 3 Weapons: 10
Available: Plains City rank 2
Cost: 2,600 G

Shooting Range

Training: 10 points
Other Traits:
Bows: 10 Guns: 10 Battle: 3
Available: Jesse Lightfoot
Cost: 2,900 G


One items contributes to the Training trait, Broom in Dungeon Village 2.

Image of the item Broom in Dungeon Village 2 Broom

Training: 1 points
Other Traits:
Safe: 1 Merch: 1 Health: 3


There are six events that contribute to the Training trait, Marathon, Track Meet, Joint Training, Training Camp, Weight Lifting and Sea Training.


Training: 5 points
Other Traits:
Health: 25

Track Meet

Training: 5 points
Other Traits:
Battle: 5 Culture: 10 Entertainment: 20

Joint Training

Training: 20 points
Other Traits:
Battle: 10

Training Camp

Training: 25 points
Other Traits:
Battle: 15 Health: 10

Weight Lifting

Training: 15 points
Other Traits:
Beefy: 15

Sea Training

Training: 25 points
Other Traits:
Ocean: 25 Water: 5

Dungeon Village 2 Titles with Training Trait

In Dungeon Village 2, the Training trait is a requirement in five titles, Boot Camp, Secret to Long Life, Mystic Studies, Athletic Town and Hard-Working Town.

Boot Camp

Training: 20 points
Other Traits Needed For "Boot Camp":
Medicine: 10 Adventure: 20

Secret to Long Life

Training: 20 points
Other Traits Needed For "Secret to Long Life":
Health: 20 Soy Beans: 10

Mystic Studies

Training: 40 points
Other Traits Needed For "Mystic Studies":
Magic: 50 Sprite: 40

Athletic Town

Traits Need
  • Beefy
  • Training
  • Wrestler

Hard-Working Town

Traits Need
  • Battle
  • Training