Image of the trait Popular in Dungeon Village 2 Popular Trait

You can get the Popular trait in Dungeon Village 2 in your city by Wrestler or Kairobot, taming Draggi as pets and hosting event Fashion Show. Worth 10 points each, Wrestler, Kairobot, Fairy, Draggi and Fashion Show are the most points towards acquiring the Popular trait.

The Popular trait is a requirement for two titles, including Wide Appeal and Mascot Town.

The precise amount of points for each factor in the Popular trait is listed below.

Popular Trait Requirements Titles With Popular Trait There are three jobs that contribute to the Popular trait, Wrestler, Kairobot and Fairy.


Popular: 10 points
Other Traits:
Battle: 2 Wrestler: 10


Popular: 10 points
Other Traits:
Dance: 10 Robot: 10 Mascot: 10 Kairobot: 10


Popular: 10 points
Other Traits:
Cute: 10 Magic: 5

One enemies contributes to the Popular trait, Draggi in Dungeon Village 2.

Image of the monster Draggi in Dungeon Village 2 Draggi

Popular: 10 points
Other Traits:
Dragon: 10 Monster: 5

There is one event that contributes to the Popular trait, Fashion Show.

Fashion Show

Popular: 10 points
Other Traits:
Music: 10 Culture: 10 Fashion: 15

In Dungeon Village 2, the Popular trait is a requirement in two titles, Wide Appeal and Mascot Town.

Wide Appeal

Popular: 30 points
Other Traits Needed For "Wide Appeal":
Music: 20 Mascot: 20

Mascot Town

Traits Need
  • Dragon
  • Mascot
  • Popular
  • Kairobot