Image of the trait Ocean in Dungeon Village 2 Ocean Trait

You can get the Ocean trait in Dungeon Village 2 for your city by Pirate or Mermaid, building Fish Market, Seaside Lemon or Boiled Octopus and hosting event Watermelon Pinata or Sea Training. Worth 25 points, Sea Training is the most points towards obtaining the Ocean trait.

The Ocean trait is a requirement for four titles, including Sea Breeze, Angler's Horizon and Fishing Port.

The precise contribution of points for each factor in the Ocean trait is listed below.

Ocean Trait Requirements Titles With Ocean Trait

Getting the Ocean Trait


There are two jobs that contribute to the Ocean trait, Pirate and Mermaid.


Ocean: 10 points
Other Traits:
Map: 10 Battle: 2 Pirate: 10 Treasure: 10


Ocean: 10 points
Other Traits:
Resort: 10 Aquatic: 10


One structures contributes to the Ocean trait, Fish Market in Dungeon Village 2.

Fish Market

Ocean: 3 points
Other Traits:
Aquatic: 20 Shopping: 3
Available: Plains Sales Lv 1
Cost: 1400 G


There are five items that contribute to the Ocean trait, Seaside Lemon, Boiled Octopus, Sleepy Squid, Fatty Tuna and Crunchy Shrimp.

Image of the item Seaside Lemon in Dungeon Village 2 Seaside Lemon

Ocean: 1 points
Other Traits:
Fruit: 1 Lemon: 3

Image of the item Boiled Octopus in Dungeon Village 2 Boiled Octopus

Ocean: 1 points
Other Traits:
Aquatic: 2 Octopus: 3

Image of the item Sleepy Squid in Dungeon Village 2 Sleepy Squid

Ocean: 1 points
Other Traits:
Squid: 3 Danger: 1 Aquatic: 2

Image of the item Fatty Tuna in Dungeon Village 2 Fatty Tuna

Ocean: 1 points
Other Traits:
Tuna: 3 Aquatic: 2

Image of the item Crunchy Shrimp in Dungeon Village 2 Crunchy Shrimp

Ocean: 1 points
Other Traits:
Jiggly: 1 Shrimp: 3 Aquatic: 2


Three events contribute to the Ocean trait, Watermelon Pinata, Sea Training and Harbor Construction in Dungeon Village 2.

Watermelon Pinata

Ocean: 5 points
Other Traits:
Watermelon: 25 Entertainment: 15

Sea Training

Ocean: 25 points
Other Traits:
Water: 5 Training: 25

Harbor Construction

Ocean: 10 points
Other Traits:
Ship: 30

Dungeon Village 2 Titles with Ocean Trait

In Dungeon Village 2, the Ocean trait is a requirement in four titles, Sea Breeze, Angler's Horizon, Fishing Port and Water Town.

Sea Breeze

Ocean: 30 points
Other Traits Needed For "Sea Breeze":
Food: 30 Aquatic: 40

Angler's Horizon

Ocean: 40 points
Other Traits Needed For "Angler's Horizon":
River: 60 Aquatic: 40

Fishing Port

Traits Need
  • Tuna
  • Ocean
  • Squid
  • Aquatic
  • Octopus

Water Town

Traits Need
  • Ocean
  • River