Image of the trait Nature in Dungeon Village 2 Nature Trait

You can get the Nature trait in Dungeon Village 2 for your city by Florist or Druid, building Oak Tree or Tulips, Tulips or Morning Glory and hosting event Litter Pick-Up. Worth 25 points, Litter Pick-Up is the most points towards acquiring the Nature trait.

The Nature trait is a requirement for six titles, including All Natural, Greenhouse and Four Seasons.

The exact amount of points for each factor in the Nature trait is listed below.

Nature Trait Requirements Titles With Nature Trait

Getting the Nature Trait


There are two jobs that contribute to the Nature trait, Florist and Druid.


Nature: 5 points
Other Traits:
Flower: 10 Shopping: 2


Nature: 10 points
Other Traits:
Magic: 5 Battle: 2 Forest: 10


Fifteen structures contribute to the Nature trait, Oak Tree, Tulips, Canola, Fir Tree, Stock, Sunflowers, Monterey Cypress, Poppy Anemone, Coffee Tree, Morning Glory, Sago Palm, Christmas Tree, Pine Tree, Bamboo Grove and Sacred Tree in Dungeon Village 2.

Oak Tree

Nature: 3 points
Other Traits:
Tree: 5
Available: Available from start
Cost: 400 G


Nature: 3 points
Other Traits:
Cute: 3 Flower: 5
Available: Build Florist
Cost: 400 G


Nature: 3 points
Other Traits:
Flower: 5 Cooking: 3
Available: Build Florist
Cost: 400 G

Fir Tree

Nature: 3 points
Other Traits:
Tree: 5 Forest: 5
Available: Plains Map Facility Store Lv1
Cost: 500 G


Nature: 3 points
Other Traits:
Turf: 3 Flower: 3
Available: Plains Map Facility Store Lv2
Cost: 900 G


Nature: 3 points
Other Traits:
Plain: 5 Flower: 5
Available: Plains Map Facility Store Lv3
Cost: 500 G

Monterey Cypress

Nature: 3 points
Other Traits:
Tree: 5
Available: Plains Map Facility Store Lv4
Cost: 600 G

Poppy Anemone

Nature: 3 points
Other Traits:
Flower: 5
Available: Plains Map Facility Store Lv4
Cost: 600 G

Coffee Tree

Nature: 3 points
Other Traits:
Tree: 5 Coffee: 20
Available: Plains Map Facility Store Lv5
Cost: 800 G

Morning Glory

Nature: 3 points
Other Traits:
Water: 3 Flower: 5
Available: Forest Map Facility Store Lv1
Cost: 600 G

Sago Palm

Nature: 3 points
Other Traits:
Tree: 3 Tropical: 10
Available: Tropics Map Facility Store Lv1
Cost: 1,000 G

Christmas Tree

Nature: 3 points
Other Traits:
Tree: 5 Arctic: 10
Available: Arctic Map 1 Star
Cost: 1,400 G

Pine Tree

Nature: 3 points
Other Traits:
Tree: 5 Eastern: 5
Available: Eastern Map from start
Cost: 1,600 G

Bamboo Grove

Nature: 3 points
Other Traits:
Eastern: 7
Available: Eastern Map 2 Stars
Cost: 1,500 G

Sacred Tree

Nature: 3 points
Other Traits:
Tree: 10 Relax: 3 Sprite: 10
Available: Forest Map 3 Stars
Cost: 2,000 G


There are four items that contribute to the Nature trait, Tulips, Morning Glory, Sunflowers and 1000-Year Bonsai.

Image of the item Tulips in Dungeon Village 2 Tulips

Nature: 1 points
Other Traits:
Cute: 1 Flower: 3

Image of the item Morning Glory in Dungeon Village 2 Morning Glory

Nature: 1 points
Other Traits:
Flower: 3

Image of the item Sunflowers in Dungeon Village 2 Sunflowers

Nature: 1 points
Other Traits:
Plain: 1 Flower: 3

Image of the item 1000-Year Bonsai in Dungeon Village 2 1000-Year Bonsai

Nature: 1 points
Other Traits:
Tree: 3 Merch: 1


One events contributes to the Nature trait, Litter Pick-Up in Dungeon Village 2.

Litter Pick-Up

Nature: 25 points
Other Traits:
Safe: 5

Dungeon Village 2 Titles with Nature Trait

In Dungeon Village 2, the Nature trait is a requirement in six titles, All Natural, Greenhouse, Four Seasons, Nature Reserve, Rest Stop and Intelligentsia Town.

All Natural

Nature: 10 points
Other Traits Needed For "All Natural":
River: 20 Forest: 20


Nature: 50 points
Other Traits Needed For "Greenhouse":
Holy: 40 Health: 40

Four Seasons

Nature: 10 points
Other Traits Needed For "Four Seasons":
Art: 20 Flower: 20

Nature Reserve

Traits Need
  • Nature

Rest Stop

Traits Need
  • Rest
  • Relax
  • Nature

Intelligentsia Town

Traits Need
  • Eco
  • Nature