Image of the trait Luxury in Dungeon Village 2 Luxury Trait

You can obtain the Luxury trait in Dungeon Village 2 for your city by Aristocrat or King, building Luxury House or BBQ House, Gold-Label Soda or Black Tea, taming Auraurus as pets and hosting event Summer BBQ. Worth 10 points each, Aristocrat, King, High-Class Restaurant and Auraurus are the most points for acquiring the Luxury trait.

The Luxury trait is a requirement for five titles, including Melting Pot, A Touch Of Class and Aristocratic Burg.

The precise amount of points for each factor in the Luxury trait is detailed below.

Luxury Trait Requirements Titles With Luxury Trait

Getting the Luxury Trait


There are two jobs that contribute to the Luxury trait, Aristocrat and King.


Luxury: 10 points
Other Traits:
Shopping: 2 Aristocrat: 10 Entertainment: 10


Luxury: 10 points
Other Traits:
Royal: 10 Shopping: 5 Aristocrat: 5


Three structures contribute to the Luxury trait, Luxury House, BBQ House and High-Class Restaurant in Dungeon Village 2.

Luxury House

Luxury: 2 points
Other Traits:
House: 2 Underworld: 2
Available: Underworld Map

BBQ House

Luxury: 3 points
Other Traits:
Food: 3 Meat: 20 Cooking: 5
Available: Plains sales Lv 5
Cost: 3,000 G

High-Class Restaurant

Luxury: 10 points
Other Traits:
Food: 3 Soda Pop: 10
Available: Plains sales Lv 6
Cost: 4,100 G


There are twelve items that contribute to the Luxury trait, Gold-Label Soda, Black Tea, Ripe Melon, Ultimate Salve, Bird's Nest, Grand Piano, Eye-Catching Piece, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Topaz and Pink Diamond.

Image of the item Gold-Label Soda in Dungeon Village 2 Gold-Label Soda

Luxury: 3 points
Other Traits:
Soda Pop: 1 Fancy Soda: 3

Image of the item Black Tea in Dungeon Village 2 Black Tea

Luxury: 2 points
Other Traits:
Royal: 1 Black Tea: 3

Image of the item Ripe Melon in Dungeon Village 2 Ripe Melon

Luxury: 3 points
Other Traits:
Fruit: 1 Melon: 3

Image of the item Ultimate Salve in Dungeon Village 2 Ultimate Salve

Luxury: 2 points
Other Traits:
Safe: 2 Medicine: 3

Image of the item Bird's Nest in Dungeon Village 2 Bird's Nest

Luxury: 3 points
Other Traits:
Wild: 1 Flight: 2

Image of the item Grand Piano in Dungeon Village 2 Grand Piano

Luxury: 2 points
Other Traits:
Merch: 1 Music: 3

Image of the item Eye-Catching Piece in Dungeon Village 2 Eye-Catching Piece

Luxury: 3 points
Other Traits:
Merch: 1 Mystery: 1

Image of the item Ruby in Dungeon Village 2 Ruby

Luxury: 1 points
Other Traits:
Gem: 3 Fire: 3 Rare: 1 Treasure: 2

Image of the item Sapphire in Dungeon Village 2 Sapphire

Luxury: 1 points
Other Traits:
Gem: 3 Ice: 3 Rare: 1 Treasure: 2

Image of the item Emerald in Dungeon Village 2 Emerald

Luxury: 1 points
Other Traits:
Gem: 3 Rare: 1 Treasure: 2

Image of the item Topaz in Dungeon Village 2 Topaz

Luxury: 1 points
Other Traits:
Gem: 3 Rare: 1 Treasure: 2 Lightning: 3

Image of the item Pink Diamond in Dungeon Village 2 Pink Diamond

Luxury: 2 points
Other Traits:
Art: 1 Gem: 3 Rare: 3 Treasure: 2


One enemies contributes to the Luxury trait, Auraurus in Dungeon Village 2.

Image of the monster Auraurus in Dungeon Village 2 Auraurus

Luxury: 10 points
Other Traits:
Jiggly: 10 Monster: 5


There is one event that contributes to the Luxury trait, Summer BBQ.

Summer BBQ

Luxury: 3 points
Other Traits:
Meat: 25 Party: 5

Dungeon Village 2 Titles with Luxury Trait

In Dungeon Village 2, the Luxury trait is a requirement in five titles, Melting Pot, A Touch of Class, Aristocratic Burg, High-Class City and Sophisticated Town.

Melting Pot

Luxury: 40 points
Other Traits Needed For "Melting Pot":
Stew: 50 Arctic: 50

A Touch of Class

Luxury: 10 points
Other Traits Needed For "A Touch of Class":
Gem: 10 Aristocrat: 20

Aristocratic Burg

Traits Need
  • Gem
  • Party
  • Luxury
  • Aristocrat

High-Class City

Traits Need
  • Art
  • Gold
  • Royal
  • Luxury
  • Antique

Sophisticated Town

Traits Need
  • Luxury
  • Fashion