Image of the trait Cucumber in Dungeon Village 2 Cucumber Trait

You can get the Cucumber trait in Dungeon Village 2 in your city by Regular Cucumber and taming Kappaton as pets. Worth 10 points, Kappaton is the most points towards obtaining the Cucumber trait.

The Cucumber trait is a requirement for two titles, including Veggie Village and Summer Veggie Village.

The exact contribution of points for each factor in the Cucumber trait is listed below.

Cucumber Trait Requirements Titles With Cucumber Trait

Getting the Cucumber Trait


There is one item that contributes to the Cucumber trait, Regular Cucumber.

Image of the item Regular Cucumber in Dungeon Village 2 Regular Cucumber

Cucumber: 3 points
Other Traits:
Vegetables: 1


One enemies contributes to the Cucumber trait, Kappaton in Dungeon Village 2.


Cucumber: 10 points
Other Traits:
Goblin: 10

Dungeon Village 2 Titles with Cucumber Trait

In Dungeon Village 2, the Cucumber trait is a requirement in two titles, Veggie Village and Summer Veggie Village.

Veggie Village

Traits Need
  • Onion
  • Carrot
  • Tomato
  • Avocado
  • Pumpkin
  • Cucumber
  • Eggplant
  • Mushrooms
  • Vegetables
  • Bell Pepper
  • Sweet Potato
  • Daikon Radish

Summer Veggie Village

Traits Need
  • Cucumber
  • Eggplant