Image of the trait Art in Dungeon Village 2 Art Trait

You can obtain the Art trait in Dungeon Village 2 for your city by Musician or Dancer, building Workshop or School, Pink Diamond, taming Dweebling as pets and hosting event Potter's Hut or Art Show. Art Show is worth 25 points, which is the most points for obtaining the Art trait.

The Art trait is a requirement for five titles, including Cultural Center, Four Seasons and Artistic Town.

The precise amount of points for each factor in the Art trait is detailed below.

Art Trait Requirements Titles With Art Trait

Getting the Art Trait


There are two jobs that contribute to the Art trait, Musician and Dancer.


Art: 10 points
Other Traits:
Music: 10 Relax: 10


Art: 10 points
Other Traits:
Dance: 10 Culture: 10 Tropical: 10


Two structures contribute to the Art trait, Workshop and School in Dungeon Village 2.


Art: 10 points
Other Traits:
Music: 10 Culture: 10 Fashion: 3
Available: Plains Map Facility Store Lv5
Cost: 1,400 G


Art: 10 points
Other Traits:
Study: 10 Culture: 10
Available: Plains City rank 4 , Polly Quartz, Stella Gesundheit, Junpei Neun
Cost: 10,300 G


There is one item that contributes to the Art trait, Pink Diamond.

Image of the item Pink Diamond in Dungeon Village 2 Pink Diamond

Art: 1 points
Other Traits:
Gem: 3 Rare: 3 Luxury: 2 Treasure: 2


One enemies contributes to the Art trait, Dweebling in Dungeon Village 2.

Image of the monster Dweebling in Dungeon Village 2 Dweebling

Art: 10 points
Other Traits:
Goblin: 10 Horror: 10


There are three events that contribute to the Art trait, Potter's Hut, Art Show and Music Festival.

Potter's Hut

Art: 10 points
Other Traits:
Crag: 5 Study: 5 Culture: 15

Art Show

Art: 25 points
Other Traits:
Culture: 10 History: 5

Music Festival

Art: 10 points
Other Traits:
Music: 25 Relax: 25

Dungeon Village 2 Titles with Art Trait

In Dungeon Village 2, the Art trait is a requirement in five titles, Cultural Center, Four Seasons, Artistic Town, Industrious Town and High-Class City.

Cultural Center

Art: 20 points
Other Traits Needed For "Cultural Center":
Music: 10 Crafts: 10

Four Seasons

Art: 20 points
Other Traits Needed For "Four Seasons":
Flower: 20 Nature: 10

Artistic Town

Traits Need
  • Art
  • Music

Industrious Town

Traits Need
  • Art
  • Crafts

High-Class City

Traits Need
  • Art
  • Gold
  • Royal
  • Luxury
  • Antique